How we do it

Knowledge management assessment

Knowledge management assessment

Knowledge management entails change, and the first step in the change process is to assess the current status i.e. to see what is already being done, what works well, where the barriers and gaps are, and where the strengths lie. Our knowledge management assessment methodology provides you with an understanding of your current strengths, gaps, and opportunities for intervention in order to introduce a fully operative knowledge management framework.

We do this through a series of in-depth interviews with people at all representative levels of your organisation, so we map the current state of knowledge utilization and application in your business in relation to the key components of systematic knowledge management. The responses to the interviews are noted down in detail and brought together to look for common themes, issues, and concerns. These are then quantified in a 15-point model, so that you can benchmark your organization’s KM capabilities against those of KM leaders and get a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses

If you want to see how well your organization manages knowledge, take our free KM maturity survey.