On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, the Hellenic Technology Platform (HTP) and SEVT organized the online event titled: "Food companies determine the research priorities to be funded by the NSRF 2021-2027"
During the event the main questions discussed were:
Does the food industry have an active role to play in setting the research priorities for the new programming period? What are the benefits to companies from participating in this process? Can developing collaborative projects lead to new business opportunities?
Post-pandemic, public bodies must restructure SME support systems for long-term growth with well-functioning innovation systems with the right balance of instruments.
Innovation can be defined as a new idea, method, or device - a novelty - or as the introduction of something new.
Thus, innovation is, by definition, a vague term.
The transition of the Greek economy to a model of technological intensity that draws its competitive advantage from high added value products and services, is a key challenge for the planning of the upcoming 2021 - 2027 programming period in the field of “Research, Technological Development and Innovation“ (RTDI).
Research and Development (R&D) is a key driver of innovation and sustainability within a business. However, establishing an R&D department can be a difficult and time-consuming process that requires a lot of resources.
As part of Seven Sigma's Corporate Social Responsibility and in collaboration with Ethelon Non-Profit Organization, the online workshop entitled "Strategic Challenges and Secrets of Success of Greek NGOs" was successfully completed on Thursday, June 4, 2020 and was attended by dozens of NGOs.