Food industry trends

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food industry trends

Although the agri-food industry is considered to be a slow adopter of change, currently the sector is expected to change more in the next 10 years than it did over the last 50 (Accenture, 2017). This transformation derives from a number of factors, such as the environmental changes (e.g. global warming), the demographics (e.g.

6 Reasons Some People Are Uncomfortable with Innovation


When we talk about innovation, we sometimes forget that not everyone is on board with the new and revolutionary. Some people would rather stick to their same schedule and do the same thing, day after day: a predictable and comforting routine. For champions of innovation, this mindset is difficult to understand.

Participation in the event: “Connecting innovative water reuse technologies with the Food Industry”

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The Benaki Phytopathological Institute in collaboration with the National Center of Research “Demokritos” organized a conference entitled “Connecting innovative water reuse technologies with the Food Industry” in the framework of the Life PureAgroH2O project.

Presentation of the study about National Innovation Strategy by Seven Sigma Head of R&D


On December 16, 2019, the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) organized a one-day Conference on two recently completed studies under the National Smart Specialization Strategy monitoring mechanism: "Study for the Assessment of the GSRT Participation in the EUREKA Initiative", and "Study on the I