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On December 5, 2019, the conference "Research & Innovation: Pillars of Development of the Greek Food Industry" was held in Aigli Zappeion, co-organized by the Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (ΣΕΒΤ)  and the Greek Technology Platform "Food for Life".

The aim of this event was to examine the policies, strategies, actions and synergies that need to be developed in order that food industry may follow the modern course of the economy, society and the world, utilizing research and innovation.

Seven Sigma was represented by K. Kokkinoplitis, director of the company, who actively participated in the roundtable discussion: "Funding tools and initiatives to enhance research activities and innovation in the Greek environment". In the second part of the event, Mr. Kokkinoplitis conducted the workshop: "Smart Tools and Methodology for Accelerating Growth through Innovation", highlighting the ways in which a Greek business can innovate, despite the adversity of the business environment.

The event was attended - amongst others - by representatives of major industry companies, the Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Food, F. Arabatzi, the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr. Sp. Kintzios and representatives of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology.


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