Unlocking Innovation: A Journey with guru Darrell Mann's TRIZ-Based CERTAIN Troubleshooting Workshop


Recently, the team of Seven Sigma had the privilege of participating in an exceptional workshop led by renowned global innovation expert Darrell Mann. The TRIZ-Based CERTAIN Troubleshooting workshop was nothing short of transformative.

Seven Sigma Unveils Insights about the Greek Research and Innovation System during the recent "Current Trends in Food Science & Human Nutrition" conference by SEVT in Patras

Seven Sigma recently took center stage at the "Current Trends in Food Science & Human Nutrition" conference, giving a presentation that showcased the company's commitment to establishing firm ties between the research and business sectors. The event aimed to highlight the importance of the partnership between Research & Academic bodies and the Food & Beverage Industry, with the contribution of the State, in the effort to integrate and implement innovation throughout the supply chain, for the benefit of the agri-food industry and consumers.

Breaking the Innovation Stereotypes: The Case of Curry Express

Curry Express Picture
We often hear about the concept of innovation and its’ importance in enhancing the competitiveness of an organization. However, the excessive use of this term has distorted its’ true meaning and content. So much is the overuse and the abuse of this word that it come to signify almost nothing. Due to this distortion we have come to impose to ourselves subconsciously artificial constraints that blind us from seeing the real big picture.

Seven Sigma Study: Proposals for resolving the innovation diffusion and development barriers in Greece - September 2020

Image: Diffusion of Innovation

The transition of the Greek economy to a model of technological intensity that draws its competitive advantage from high added value products and services, is a key challenge for the planning of the upcoming 2021 - 2027 programming period in the field of “Research, Technological Development and Innovation“ (RTDI).