Areas of Expertise

Innovation and Technology Strategy

Innovation and Technology Strategy

Create a winning innovation and technology strategy that supports your business goals

The developments in the socioeconomic and business environment and the emergence of groundbreaking technologies can potentially disrupt any company’s future growth or even jeopardize its very survival. It is imperative that organizations continuously assess and readapt their long-term growth strategy in response to these changes, in order to keep up with the transformational trends and avoid becoming obsolete.

We assist you in articulating a winning innovation and technology strategy, in alignment with your business goals and specific competitive needs, for anticipating, analyzing and capitalizing on the socioeconomic and technological disruptive forces. The strategy is materialized into actionable programs, through a comprehensive, step-by-step roadmap of future concepts. These programs are then ranked according to their impact on tangible and intangible consumer needs, as well as their relevance to future system evolution. This process achieves full technology and market linking by feeding in the innovation funnel the right mix of “market pull” and “technology push” development projects.