Seven Sigma at the Business Discovery Workshop for Agri-Food in Western Greece
Seven Sigma participated in the Business Discovery Workshop in the field "AGRIFOOD-FOOD INDUSTRY 4.0" of the Regional Smart Specialization Strateg
Seven Sigma participated in the Business Discovery Workshop in the field "AGRIFOOD-FOOD INDUSTRY 4.0" of the Regional Smart Specialization Strateg
Recently, the team of Seven Sigma had the privilege of participating in an exceptional workshop led by renowned global innovation expert Darrell Mann. The TRIZ-Based CERTAIN Troubleshooting workshop was nothing short of transformative.
Last Friday, Seven Sigma embraced the New Year at Epi To Laikoteron, a traditional restaurant at Patisia. The evening celebrated the success of the last year and the coming of a new one.
Around the world and across industries, enterprises are facing tremendous market upheaval.
Capability Assessment Test (CAT) is the ultimate product of Seven Sigma’s research and experience and has been successfully applied in numerous small and medium-sized enterprises operating in various industries in Greece and abroad.
When the world changes, it is easy to concentrate on Activity ("What do we do now?"), but why not take a Knowledge view instead, and ask "What do we need to know now?